Word of the Day: Cack-Handed
The Orwellian Left is opposed to linguistic diversity because of its tendency to promote nuanced thinking. We can't have that!
British. 1. Left-handed; 2. clumsy, awkward. See here.
“Rape is a crime, but trying to seduce someone, even persistently or cack-handedly, is not – nor is men being gentlemanly a macho attack,” said the letter published in the newspaper Le Monde.
I'm with Catherine Deneuve and Christina Hoff Sommers on this one. Real women know how to handle obnoxious men: with a stern warning or a slap across the face. They don't go crying to their feminist mommies. And real men accept the rebuke.
The Left has lost its collective mind (hive mind?) on this as on so many other issues. You are one stupid and/or vile leftist if you cannot or will not distinguish between: a bit of old-fashioned gallantry, a risqué joke, the use of an offensive term such as 'broad,' a pat on the derriere, a Bidenesque hair-sniffing, a Frankenian ass-grab, a Weinsteinian manipulation, a full-on Clintonian sexual assault, and rape.
To conflate all of these behaviors under the umbrella 'sexually inappropriate' shows the typical liberal/left incapacity to draw necessary distinctions as well as an inappropriate use of 'inappropriate.'
Memo to Tucker Carlson: A father’s showering with his daughter is not ‘inappropriate,’ but morally wrong. Inappropriate would be his attending her graduation ceremony dressed in his running shorts.
More on Deneuve & Co. at NYT.