Why Women are 'Over-Represented' among Realtors
Have you ever wondered why women are 'over-represented' among realtors? It is because they excel men when it comes to conciliation and mediation. I don't mean this as a snarky put-down of the distaff contingent. I mean it as praise. And if females do not take it as praise, are they not assuming the superiority of male virtues?
It is a non sequitur to think that if the Xs are 'under-represented' among the Ys, then the Xs must have been the victims of some unjust discrimination. Men are 'under-represented' among massage therapists, but the explanation is obvious and harmless: men like to have their naked bodies rubbed by women in dark rooms, but women feel uncomfortable having their naked bodies rubbed by men in dark rooms. It is not as if there is some sort of sexism, 'institutional' or individual, that keeps men out of massage therapy. If you retort that some women do like massages from men not their intimates, then you are missing the point and you need to read my article on generic statements.
Blacks are 'over-represented' in the National Football League and the National Basketball Association. Is that because of some leukophobic racism 'institutional' or individual, that targets whites? Of course not. Blacks are better than whites at football and basketball. Jews are just terrible. Chess is their athletics. Jews dominate in the chess world. Is that because the goyim have been suppressed? I remind the reader to heed my point about generic statements.
Does my talk of blacks and Jews make me a racist and an anti-Semite ? To a self-enstupidated leftist or 'progressive,' yes. For they are too often incapable, or have rendered themselves incapable, of distinguishing between a statement whose content is race and a racist statement. They cannot, or rather will not, distinguish the racial from the racist. If you accuse me of retailing stereotypes, I will point out that some stereotypes have a basis in reality. Note also that leftists themselves stereotype: they tend to embrace negative and groundless stereotypes about stereotypes. Leftists are not known for their respect for reality. And the more ’woke’ the leftist, the more socially constructivist and the more reality-denying.
I am treading a via media between the excesses of the neo-reactionaries (NRs) and the even worse excesses of the leftists. My challenge to the NRs: How can you fail to see the importance of equal treatment of men and women? One NR of my acquaintance claimed that the notion of equality of opportunity is vacuous. Why? To require that applicants for a job not be discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, or creed, is not vacuous. It has a definite content. That it could use some spelling out is not to the point.
Here is a bit of spelling-out. Some creeds are such that the people who hold them must be discriminated against in some, not all, respects. Suppose you are an orthodox Muslim seeking to immigrate to the USA: you subscribe to Islamic law (sharia) and hold that it takes precedence over the U. S. Constitution and Anglo-American law. Your values are antithetical to American values, and you want to replace our values with yours. You ought to be discriminated against. You ought not be allowed to immigrate into the USA. There is no right to immigrate, and there is certainly no right to replace a provably superior set of values with an inferior set. That should be obvious. The U. S. Constitution is not a suicide pact.