A lot of conservatives are making the mistake of surrendering perfectly good words to the Left. This is another indication that conservatives in the end conserve little or nothing. The fact that leftists misuse 'narrative' or 'problematic' or 'toleration' or 'diversity' or 'equity' does not make these words radioactive. They are perfectly good words, and they must not be surrendered; they must be used properly. The Left does not own them, and therefore a conservative who uses them signals no acquiescence in the Left’s claptrap.
Abusus non tollit usum! Misuse does not remove proper use. This is a very important principle applicable in many domains.
Take 'spiritual' and 'spirituality.' The fact that some airhead says that she is not religious but spiritual is no reason for a conservative to avoid 'spiritual.' Nor does the Left own such phrases as 'toxic masculinity' and 'existential threat.' Are you seriously going to maintain that there are no instances of machismo that are not reasonably described as 'toxic'?
Consider the sad case of Cynthia Garcia. This foolish middle-aged woman and mother thought it would be fun to party with the Hells (no apostrophe) Angels in their Mesa, Arizona clubhouse of a Saturday night. They of course demanded sex; she showed disrespect, even after they stomped her, and so they murdered her. There are differing accounts of the exact details. But the upshot was brutal. Two of them stabbed her to death and then attempted to cut her head off, dumping her remains in the desert proximal to the Rio Salado shooting range. The rape and murder of a foolish woman by the biker brutes is a clear example of toxic masculinity.
Of course, normal masculine behavior is not toxic, and the feminization of boys is a serious threat to social stability and the survival of the Republic. But just as a Nazi is no cure for a commie, a biker brute is no cure for a feminized boy.
The Left is subversive right out of the box, and the subversion of language is the mother of all subversion.
You should no more allow the Left's theft of perfectly good English words than you should allow their question-begging and question-burying coinages such as 'Islamophobia' and 'homophobia' and 'transphobia.' A phobia is an irrational fear, but there is nothing irrational about fear of radical Muslims such as the savages who perpetrated the atrocities of October 7th. Similarly in the other two cases. Whatever the merits of arguments against the morality of homosexual practices, there is nothing phobic about them.
There’s been enough compromising with our political enemies; it is time to resist them unflinchingly. I hope I have provided you with a bit of argumentative ammo for those of you with the cojones to take up the fight against the depredatory Left. There is more to come.