I'm for half-open borders, borders open in the outbound direction. Anyone who wants to emigrate should be allowed to do so.
By the way, ‘migrant’ is a word the right-thinking ought to avoid. It elides two distinctions in one fell swoop: that between immigration and emigration, and that between legal and illegal immigration. We conservatives are not opposed to immigration; we are opposed to illegal immigration. Forgive me for pointing out something so obvious, but it must be said in the face of leftist slander to the contrary. That they slander us is another indication that there can be no peace with them.
Hats off to Governor Abbott of Texas. But on Sean Hannity’s show a while back he kept using the word ‘migrant.’ I know he was just going along with current usage, but a conservative ought not talk like a leftist. Language matters. He who controls the terms of the debate controls the debate. The subversion of language is the mother of all subversion.
Communists need walls to keep people in; we need walls to keep them out. Hence the rank absurdity of the comparison of a wall on our southern border to the Berlin Wall. Now the mendacious leftists who make this comparison cannot be so historically uninformed as not to see its rank absurdity. But they make it anyway because they will say or do anything to win. They are out for power any way they can get it.
It is interesting that even hate-America leftists do not want to leave the United States. They talk about it, but few do it. And where do they say they will go?
Canada is high on the list. Why not Mexico? Are they perhaps racists?