Of DEI and the Devil
The genitive of deus. Advocates of D.E.I. being slanderers, they are properly labeled diabolou (διαβόλου, genitive of διάβολος), "of the devil." (Anthony G. Flood)
I am as little an etymologist as I am an entomologist, but to extend Tony's riff, I have often suspected an etymological connection between the German Zweifel (doubt) and the German Teufel (devil) via the zwei (two) in the first word. The Father of Lies is duplicitous. Latin duplex, duplicis means twofold, double, divided. Latin duplicitas, duplicitatis can mean doubleness, duplicity, deceit, ambiguity.
You have heard me say that doubt is the engine of inquiry. Admittedly, though, doubt is two-faced in that it can, driving inquiry, lead to truth, but also degenerate into denial of truth. Leftists, being duplicitous, regularly conflate doubt and denial as when they tar the right-thinking with 'climate denial' when we merely question their hysterical claims about the imminence of "boiling oceans" (Al Gore at Davos, Switzerland recently) and such other nonsense as they spew.
Hypocrisy is a from of duplicity, and who more hypocritical than the climate summit attendees who travelled by private half-filled jets to Davos when they, if they themselves believed their climate claims, could have much more easily and 'environmentally' convened via Zoom. And note where they convened: in a country that, unlike the USA under the 'leadership' of the brazen liars Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, et al., actually controls its borders.
And you still vote Democrat?
The hard Left, which now controls the Democrat Party, is evil at its core. I don't say that every leftist, 'progressive,' and wokester is evil. Most of these folks are useful idiots. A large subset of them are superannuated, low-information, life-long Democrats who are pissing away their 'golden years' in empty socializing, hitting little white balls into holes, and other forms of Pascalian divertissement.
I am not talking about the useful idiots; I am talking about the drivers of this demonic, duplicitous assault on civilization. Call them the cadre, the core, the skeleton, to adopt and adapt some commie jargon. To get up to speed on commie lingo, I recommend the indispensable Frank S. Meyer, The Moulding of Communists: The Training of the Communist Cadre, Harcourt, 1961, pp. 13 ff. and footnotes 5 and 6 on pp. 178-179. Am I saying that the Dems are communists sensu stricto? No. I am saying that they are a successor outfit the understanding of which requires serious study of the parent movement.
Prime example of a cadre member here in the 'City of Angels.'