Cultural appropriation is not a glitch of American life. It's a feature. It's part of what makes the country great. We take your culture, we get rid of the oppression, the mass murder, the slavery, the intransigent poverty and the endless internecine wars. We keep the pasta and the funny hats, and occasionally we dress up as you on Halloween. It's a good deal for everyone.
I think I'll make me a curry tonight, thereby paying tribute to Indian cuisine. I love Indian food. Americans who find it too hot are culinary pussies. They need to get out of their gastronomical ghettos and celebrate diversity. My curry might not turn out as good as a gen-u-ine Indian curry, but then again it might turn out better.
Klavan is being combative above, but it is well-justified punch-back against willful and vicious stupidity of the sort that leftist lunk heads specialize in dishing out. Cultural appropriation is good: blacks on the bottom could improve their lot by 'acting white,' by appropriating those bourgeois values that Amy Wax was recently waxing enthusiastic over, and rightly so.
I engage in cultural appropriation every day. Why just this morning I read a bit from the Old Testament. Am I a Jew? And then I prayed the Ave Maria in Latin with special emphasis on the beautiful Ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.
Am I a Roman?
Is English your native tongue? No? Then by what right do you speak OUR language? You are engaging in cultural theft!
An Italian told me that there is no dish in Italy called pollo alla marsala. But there ought to be as you will readily agree after you've tasted mine.
Klavan is right about cultural appropriation: it's a feature, not a bug.