Narratives and the Left
Leftists love narratives because a narrative needn't be true to be a narrative. Their assessment criteria are identity-tribal rather than logical. A good narrative is a coherent story that enhances the tribe's power. Whether true or false is not to the point, the point being power. Truth is not a leftist value. It is not a norm that constrains their speaking and thinking. That is not to say that leftists don't sometimes speak the truth; they do when it serves their purposes. They don't when it doesn't. Truth for a leftist has a merely instrumental value, not an absolute value.
Some have the chutzpah to deny that there is truth, which is different from admitting that there is and denying its value. There is no truth, they hold, only power. If you ask them whether it is true that there is no truth, only power, they dismiss the very question with a power move. They either have no intellectual conscience or they suppress it. They enforce the power-is-all doctrine which is not admitted to be a doctrine. A doctrine is a teaching, and a teaching can be true or false; but then a transcendental norm comes back in, the norm of truth. So the 'consistent' leftist cannot allow himself to think; he must power his way through.
Denying truth and its value, they deny logical consistency and its value. For consistency is defined in terms of truth. Propositions are collectively logically consistent just in case they can all be true. So you can't get through to a leftist who maintains both that there is no truth, only power, but then complains that racist whites dominate blacks. There is no objecting to that if the world at bottom is just power centers battling it out. There can't be anything wrong with whites dominating blacks if all is power in the end. If all is power, and I have the power to enslave you, and the power to ward off any unpleasant (to me) consequences of my enslaving you, then why shouldn't I? If all is power, then there is nothing beyond power to which appeal can be made. If might makes right, then there is no right. It is inconsistent to hold that all is power and that some of its deployments are evil. If all is power, there is no good and evil. Any attempt to reduce good and evil to power terms results in the elimination of good and evil. But, as I said, you can't reach hard-core leftists because they will just make another power move and dismiss the question of consistency as they dismissed the question of truth.
If there is right irreducible to might, that right is impotent here below if every broker in this broken world is a power broker. Only those spiritually sensitive to right and its claims can guide might in the ways of right, but such sensitive souls do not flourish in this mighty brutal world.