Members of certain ‘vulnerable communities’ are opining that ‘monkey pox,’ the name, not the disease, is racist.
I'll grant you that it is if you grant me that leftism is a deadly virus and that leftists, 'liberals,' 'progressives,' ‘wokesters,’ and members of the Democrat Party in the USA knowingly and willingly carry and transmit it.
Do we have a deal? But if ‘monkey pox' and ‘Wuhan virus' are racist, then then so are the following names:
West Nile
Lyme (named after a town in Connecticut)
Spanish flu
German measles
Norovirus (named after Norwalk, Ohio)
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
St. Louis encephalitis
Lassa fever (named after a town in Nigeria)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Ebola (named after a river in Africa)
Legionnaires' disease (named after the American Legion)
If the bulleted entries are not racist expressions, then neither is 'monkey pox.'
Origins matter! Whence a disease came, and from which species of critter, are matters of scientific interest to epidemiologists. Friendly advice: Never let the delusions of ‘wokery’ get between you and reality.
Class dismissed. Above list found here.